Persons of Interest

You can help find someone and maybe earn some rewards or click on “How it Works” on the home page. There are over 500,000 missing persons each year. Help a mother find a son or son find a parent.
Video Locators serves two groups – those who need help finding lost loved ones (or assist law enforcement in finding those wanted) and those who want to help.
Those who want to help can browse for FREE and even earn cash rewards if they can provide information that helps locate someone!

Masim Khmoro
Masim KhmoroSouthfieldMichigancaucasianmale
Kevin Duck
Kevin DuckLittle RockArkansascaucasianmale
Donald Kidd
Donald KiddPortsmouthOhiocaucasianmale
Rosemay Wolfe
Rosemay WolfeQuapaOklahomacaucasianfemale
DAVID EDWIN LEWIScaucasianmale
Yolanda Bindics
Yolanda BindicsJamestownNew Yorkcaucasianfemale
Troy Dean Carney
Troy Dean CarneyCentral PointOregoncaucasianmale
Brian Euston
Brian EustonKansas CityMissouricaucasianmale
Jacqueline Levitz
Jacqueline LevitzOctober 18, 1995VicksburgMississippicaucasianfemale