Latest Cases
If you should know of any information pertaining to DAVID EDWIN LEWIS, please contact Video Locators by clicking 'I want to help' at the proper row, and providing the information.
Yolanda Bindics
Her body was found on September 10th 2006. Distinguishing Marks or Identifying Characteristics: She has four small brown moles diagonally down the left cheek
Troy Dean Carney
If you should know of any information pertaining to Troy Dean Carney, please contact Video Locators by clicking 'I want to help' at the proper row, and providing the information. Circumstances or Comments: Troy Dean Carney was found murdered in his sleeping bag on...
Brian Euston
If you should know of any information pertaining to Brian Euston, please contact Video Locators by clicking 'I want to help' at the proper row, and providing the information.
David Cook
The most recent development is that David’s story is scheduled to air on the America’s Most Wanted TV show on December 12, 2009. The show is on Saturday nights at 9/8c on the FOX network. David’s Missing Persons web page on the America’s Most Wanted website will be...
Carla Losey
Carla Losey, this year she would be 24 years old. Unfortunatley she has been missing since New Years Eve 2002. She was last seen in Columbus, Ohio at a bar ca Circumstances or Comments: she has been missing since New Years Eve 2002.last seen in Columbus, Ohio at a bar...
John William Gasgow
A neighbor stated to authorities that he believed he saw John's SUV leaving his residence at approximately 5:15am on January 28, 2008 in Little Rock, AR. When John did not report to work that day and police were notified. The following day, John's Volvo was located in...
Tabitha Tuders
Missing since April 29, 2003 Circumstances or Comments: On April 29 2003 Tabitha Tuders disappeared from her East Nashville neighborhood The FBI is offering a reward for new information. She was 13 years old when she disappeared The FBI has released[divi_switch_layout...
Teekah Lewis
Tacoma, WA - Photo aged process Age at Disappearance: 2 Height: 3 feet Weight: 35 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown/Dark Blonde Distinguishing Marks or Identifying Characteristics: Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown/Dark Blonde