Shery Federspiel

Child Support Enforcement Office: Becky Scudder 3737 Harry S. Truman Blvd., Suite 200 St. Charles, MO 63301-4052 For support order/enforcement issues, phone: (866) 313-9960

Circumstances or Comments:

Deadbeat Mom Alert This is a mother of one who has supervised visitation rights to her child. She has not seen the child in a year and a half and has not made a full child support payment since Feb. of 2011. By record of the state the child resides in, she owes the custodial parent over $60,000. She is 39 years old and says her place of residence is 1212 Sandstone Drive, St. Charles, MO 63104. If you know her true address or place of employment please comment below or contact the St. Charles Child Support Enforcement Office

Gender: Female
Hair Color: Blond
State: Montana
Eyes Color: Blue
City: St. Charles
