A Boy & Golf

He didn’t mean it

After 12 years of marriage, sometimes it just not going to work any longer for some couples. The divorce was considered mutually beneficial and the father got weekends when suitable for the son, mother and dad. The father liked to play golf and was teaching his son and on occasions they would go to PGA golf events. Everything seemed to be working out for all parties. Then late August the father was to bring home 11 year old son who was a date late. Mother didn’t think at first being a day late but on the third day the phone number was disconnected. The mother went into full meltdown mode and started calling his parents, long-time friends and no one had contact with him in a while. Panic mode came to full stress level for the mother. Law enforcement was called, and information was posted online.

So what did we learn about the x-husband, yes we knew he was financially fit from a family business. We learned he sold the business some two months prior to picking up his son for their summer together. His house was sold the cell phone as well wasn’t working much after the date he wasn’t returned. All the father’s long-time friends were contacted, and most hadn’t seen him for 2-3 months. His best friend talked to him prior to his wife indicating she couldn’t contact him. The friend said in their conversation nothing sounded out of the normal and most of the conversation was golf related.
Our conversation with the mother was extremely long and we found out all the likes and dislikes of the father and the son. Dad’s beer type, food specials, people he admired, people he liked and disliked. His food likes were mostly Italian and his favorite of all was Tiramisu this something he ordered after every meal at any Italian restaurant. She commented that one time at a local Italian restaurant and asked, because he didn’t see it, he insisted on leaving. We got to the next restaurant, and we waited in the car, and he went in and asked if they had it. They did, so he came out the door and waved to us to come in. His friends heard about this and when he had a Birthday, several of his friends brought Tiramisu as his birthday present.

The son also likes golf, but he loved video games like Dungeon’s and several of what is called Classic video games. He’d play golf anytime his dad asked. He was not addicted to Tiramisu like his father and usually ordered ice cream.

The strange thing that didn’t his dad spent 4 years in the military and obtained a number of citations and he was very pro-military. Someday he’ll want to use his DD214 for several discounts from all types of services from stores to services, like auto to hardware. So one area to look like members of an organization that require proper ID. This is where the system started its swipe but using his proper name.
